Hidden Gems -Young Mothers Program
Statistics show pregnant adolescents are unlikely to complete education. At the same time, they struggle develop life, employment and the parenting skills to prevent a life in poverty.
Navigating unplanned pregnancy presents considerable stressors that weigh on young mothers both physically and financially; often leaving them at significant risk. Having a family and a support system is an integral part of the young mother’s success. Without adequate support and guidance, she will find it challenging to cope with the emotional stressors and physical demands of becoming a new mother on her own.
Hidden Gems Teen Moms program offers a support system to young pregnant or parenting mothers age 16 to 19, in a safe and nurturing small group setting. The program offers services to support the healthy development of both mothers and infants. Young pregnant mothers, who enter the program, receive access to individual or group therapy that provides life and parenting skills that empowers young mothers to focus on their future with confidence.