(Guide, Empower, & Motivate)


GEM Volunteer is a caring adult or peer leader who will guide, empower, and motivate a small group or 1:1 youth or adult through a relationship that will foster an increase in self-esteem, self-disciplined; and an enhance sense of connectedness, belonging, and feeling of being valued, which can contribute to increased stature in the community.


GEM Volunteer will receive training, essential skills, and tools needed to help build other gems self-esteem, overcome socioeconomic barriers, help her become a leader, set and achieve attainable goals, ultimately walking in her purpose.

On average, low self-esteem is relatively high in childhood, drops during adolescence (particularly for girls), rises gradually throughout adulthood, and then declines sharply in old age. According to Girls Inc. of Central Alabama, many school age girls in Alabama live in tough situations. One in four girls will not finish high school;  78% of girls are unhappy with their bodies by age 17; 3 in 10 girls will become pregnant before the age of 20; and 1 in 5 girls will be a victim of childhood sexual abuse. Mentoring works as proven by the national evaluation of Big Brothers Big Sisters by Public Private Ventures. The study showed that compared to the control group, those who had a mentor skipped fewer days of school, were less physically aggressive, had more positive relationships, and had higher grades.   

  • The volunteer/mentor(s) and mentees meet for 10 in person sessions at a designated venue or remotely via Zoom Meeting; and 2 sessions for offsite events for a group outing and community outreach project.  

  • Volunteers/Mentors will complete initial and ongoing training on effective mentoring practices.

  • Volunteers/Mentors are asked to commit to (one year) at least two mentoring sessions Fall & Spring session; attend the closing ceremony and leadership conference.

  • Volunteer/Mentoring activities vary based on age group.

  • Group activities focus on self-love, self-discipline, community outreach, and leadership development.

Benefits of Being a WORTH Mentee/Member

Some of the most important benefits that our mentees experience when they participate in our program are: set healthy boundaries and build stronger relationships, improve their communication and interpersonal skills, higher self-esteem and confidence by seeing themselves accurately and recognize their strengths and accomplishments, reduce risk of addiction to abuse drugs and alcohol later in life, improved behavior at home and at school, lower dropout rates, better school performance, increase college enrollments, and making healthier lifestyle choices.


Benefits of Being A GEM Volunteer/Mentor

Here are some of the most important benefits that our volunteers/mentors experience when they participate in our program: gain a deeper understanding of mentees, provide a sense of personal accomplishment and fulfillment, improved self-esteem, building relationships with the at-risk youth they mentor and benefit by meeting other adults with a shared interest in changing the lives of others, and improved interpersonal skills. They also learn how to respect members boundaries, build trust, and form lasting relationships. These are all skills that carry over to their personal lives and can help them strengthen relationships with their families, friends, and colleagues.

 Perspective is one of the biggest changes our volunteers will experience after they mentor someone, giving them a new understanding and perspective about the difficulties disadvantaged mentees face in our society – and how those issues can follow them into adulthood.

That perspective also gives them a new appreciation for the advantages or even the disadvantages they have had in their own life and sparks a desire to bring about the kind of societal change that can truly help the women they mentor.